Yesterday I was able to sit across a table from a constituent whose value system did not align with mine. When it came to political, theological, and ideologic issues, we had little common ground. For 45 minutes, we shared personal stories and perspectives. I not only listened, but felt heard. Then he went his way, and I went my way.

It was the highlight of my week.

Amazing what happens when we’re able to humanize people. When the conversation leaves email and text and continues in-person at a Starbucks - that’s where bridge-building happens.  One of our very own asserted, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” 

Instead of being fearful of our differences, I think it’s time we celebrate the fact that we’re all fearfully and wonderfully made and be intentional about finding the good and gold within one another.

What’s beautiful is - we don’t have to agree with one another to honor one another. For the next 109 days (and beyond!), let’s make the choice to listen empathetically, respond honorably, and choose unity.  (And, yes, this definitely includes me.)

Blessings on you and yours,