When BBC London finds themselves in the Midwest, you know they've found a goodstory. 

I had the chance to hang out with Sheriff Mendrick and his team for a couple of hours. He answered my questions about criminal justice reform, guns, and the Safe-T Act. 

Over the last 5 years, Sheriff Mendrick has created a culture of growth, hope, and redemption at the DuPage County Jail through the JUST program. His unconventional methods of 'Changing lives, Serving inmates' has caught global media attention, but beyond that, his methods have radically changed entire families and neighborhoods.

  • Recidivism has decreased from70% to 15%.
  • The starting salary for inmates leaving Mendrick's care is $60-70k thanks to the educational and vocational opportunities of JUST.
  • For every $1 that is poured into the program, $16-19 is netted.
  • The 10,000 lbs of producegrown by the inmates is donated to local food pantries. 

How do they do it? You owe it to yourself to take the tour. I was overwhelmed by what I saw.

Money and time being poured back out into our community thanks to the courage of a few men and women who wanted to serve inmates. JUST team - all 130 volunteers & team - you guys are all Margin Makers.