Hannah Billingsley for State Representative Skip to main content

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

The world is a better place when we’re chasing our dreams. Life-changing books get written. The most beautiful songs are composed. Life-giving relationships are built.

Right now, we don’t have the margin to chase our dreams. As a community, we lack the time and money to chase our dreams. So it’s up to us to create margin for one another. Let’s stop looking to government for solutions and, instead, let’s look sideways to our neighbors for help. I want to empower the community to create margin for one another. Let's normalize asking for help. Let's be generous and intentional in our investment into our community.  

I’ll do what I can in Springfield as a Republican and locally as a community leader to create margin for every Dreamer of District 49 - lowering property taxes, putting more money and time in households, creating safe and clean communities, and rallying the community behind those suffering from the mental health and opioid crises.

The world needs you to chase your dream. Let me help create margin for you. Your dream matters.

Election Day is November 5 and I ask for your support and vote!

Let's be Margin Makers together

News and Updates

Unity Concert with Nashville Star Trey Taylor

When 2 days to go September 13, 2024 at 6:00pm 2 hrs
Where Family Life Christian Center 362 S Schmale Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188, United States
Contact Kathy Kripton [email protected] (630) 538-8682



Join up and coming Nashville country star, Trey Taylor, and State Rep candidate Hannah Billingsley for a Unity Concert on Friday, Sept 13. Each year, Trey partners with local charities and candidates all around the country to raise money for their cause. Trey's team reached out to Hannah and offered to host a concert on her behalf. All money raised from the concert goes toward Hannah's campaign. Be a part of the movement - a movement of community, unity, and neighbors helping neighbors. 


Find out why Trey chose to support Hannah by watching this video

Select your tickets
Enjoy the concert, dinner, adult drinks, dessert, VIP seating, exclusive time with Trey, and a personal acknowledgment during the concert, signed merch from Trey & Hannah, and VIP parking
Enjoy the concert, dinner, adult drinks, dessert, VIP seating, signed merch from Hannah and Trey, and VIP parking
Enjoy the concert, dinner, adult drinks, dessert, and VIP seating, and VIP Parking
Enjoy the concert, dinner, and adult drinks, and dessert.